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Vazen Iceheart Application



General information

[ Name ]

Vazen Iceheart

[ Alias/ Nicknames ]
Decembrus(Dragon name)

[ Age/Age Equivalent ]
16 years old

[ Date of Birth ]
February 13th

[ Nationality ]
    Vazen comes from the remains of the nation of Vendholm, a nation that was ruled by a small group of Ice Dragons.  Nearly all of the citizens of Vendholm were human, with the rest being Ice Dragons or a mix of dragon and human.

     The dragons mostly lived a life of luxury provided by the humans that lived under their protection.  The dragons began to grow more demanding with their expectations of the humans, which began to negatively affect the humans state of living.  The defense provided by the dragons quickly disuaded any potential invaders of Vendholm.   This drove the increasingly poorly treated humans to view the dragons less as mighty defenders and more as cruel tyrants.

     This social status disparity is what began the downfall of Vendholm.  The dragons began to have mixed breed children with humans to fill the gaps in the social hierarchy between dragons and humans.  Mixed breeds were meant to have a bit of perspective of both human and dragon in order to uphold order in a way that was fair for both dragons and humans.

     While this solution worked well for some time, it was a short solution that eventually made the situation worse.  The same hierarchy that grew between dragons and humans began to form among the mixed breeds.  Mixed breeds with a small amount of dragons blood were barely considered more than human, while those with large amounts of dragon's blood could be nearly equal with dragons, with very few existing in between.

     The tensions continued to build until a group of humans decided that a few mixed breeds, those with more human than dragon blood, could fill the role of a dragon as their protector.  Led by their example more humans began to defect from the dragon rule.  With their human servants gone, the dragons had little reason to continue working together and began to live more solitary lives.  Some tried to enslave their former servants, but found that while their mixed breed offspring were not individually stonger, but if they banded together the mixed breeds could kill a dragon with small losses.

[ Species/ Ethnicity ]
    Ice Dragons from Vendholm are a bit longer and more slender than a typical European dragon.  They have two sets of wings on their back that they use for speed and to elevate themselves, and a wing on each hind legs they use for manuevering.  They can breathe cold air or a cold liquid mixture that turns to ice when exposed to a normal atmosphere, which is commonly reffered to as ice breath.  The mixture used in the ice breath can be altered by skilled dragons to freeze at different speeds depending on the need of the dragon.  Some of the more elite dragons are also empowered by their emotions.

    Humans from Vendholm that proved themselves to a dragon could earn, in a sense, the seed of that dragon so they could give birth to a mixed child.  This blessing was usually bestowed upon women, but men that got the blessing could have the gift given to a willing family member or spouse.  Women almost never lived through birthing a first generation mixed child, and still rarely survived birthing a second generation.  Third generations caused complications but death was far less common.  Any generations further had the dragon blood be too diluted and were often considered human rather than mixed.  Most mixed breeds used human names.

[ Height ]
6' 1.83m
~10‘ in dragon form

[ Weight ]
220lbs.   100kg
570lbs.   259kg in dragon form

[ Personality ]
Active | Resolute | Focused | Stoic | Courageous | Obsessive

[ History ]
    Vazen's grandfather, Winterfang, was an Ice Dragon from before Vendholm's fall.  Winterfang followed this tradition even after Vendholm fell.  Eventually he found a swordswoman, Navayne Iceheart, that he found skilled enough to be blessed with his seed and gave the offer, but did not survive giving birth to Vazen's father, Gregor Iceheart.  Vazen's father and mother, Laurana Stensky, had Vazen out of love insted of the old tradition of Vendholm.  Although Vazen was born looking completely human, his mother did not survive his birth.

    While Laurana was pregnant, Gregor went out on some sort of mission and never returned.  Winterfang couldn't find Gregor and presumed him dead.  Following Laurana's death, Winterfang took it upon himself to raise Vazen.  Vazen appeared to have the natural grace and skill with the sword that Navayne had possessed along with a great deal of magical power from his dragon blood.  Seeing that Vazen preferred to use a sword over learning magic, Winterfang began instructing him in a style that could combine Vazen's inate ice magic with sword use.

    During one training session when Vazen was 6, Vazen lost control of his anger.  Vazen went into a rage and had the strength of a grown man, but was unable to utilize his ice magic.  Winterfang quickly identified Vazen as having the rare emotional empowerment of the Ice Dragons.  Winterfang explained to Vazen that although he had a great strength in this ability, his diluted blood had the ability carry a downside, and that while Vazen can utilize his emotions to gain various strengths, he would also feel emotions more strongly.  Knowing what the true purpose of mixed breeds was, Winterfang saw Vazen as an opportunity to reform Vendolm.  He also decided that Vazen must learn to control his emotions or be controlled by them.  Along with the usual physical training Winterfang put Vazen through, he also began training him to control his emotions.

    Winterfang commonly left Vazen alone for days sometimes a few weeks at a time on missions Vazen had no knowledge of.  When Vazen was 14, Winterfang left on a mission and was gone for a month before Vazen thought something was amiss.  Vazen searched for his grandfather for nearly a week when he found his grandfather's corpse in what remained of a large battlefield.  Vazen searched the battlefield thoroughly for any sign or clue that might point him to whom or what killed Winterfang.  Vazen found much magically formed ice, that he attributes to Winterfang, and many scorch marks, likely from fire or lightning.  Vazen also determined that the large stabwound located on Winterfang's chet was the killing blow, being the only major injury Vazen found.

    Vazen then vowed that he would find his grandfather's killer and take revenge.  He knew the reason his grandfather was so strict and demanding in his training was because Winterfang saw potential in him that may even surpass Winterfang's own power.  Vazen then began training himself harder then ever.  When Vazen turned 15 he discovered he could embrace his dragon blood and go through a transformation.

[ Attending the Academy ]
    Although his transformation was powerful, Vazen had little control over it and struggled to maintain it for longer than ten to fifteen minutes.  One day Vazen pushed himself too far in the form and completely lost control.  He awoke the next day a few miles away from his house.  Vazen discovered that his teeth had become more pointed and he had more pronounced inscisors.  He also now had scattered scales along his forearms and shins, and had small nubs on his back where wings sprouted in his Ice Dragon Form.  It was then that he decided that it was dangerous for him to train without the assistance of one that could help him learn to control his powers better.  A few days in his search for a trainer, he recieved a letter of invitation from the academy.  Being exactly what he was looking for, he quickly accepted and traveled to the Academy.

   Unknown to Vazen, invitations are not given out simply because someone with powers is seeking to become stronger or to be taught.  They must possess some potential to create a memorable legacy.  With his low mix of dragon blood Vazen can easily understand a human perspective, while his trait that is rare amoung dragons gives him a strong perspective of a dragon. Also unknown to Vazen, these traits make Vazen the solution the dragons sought when they made the mixed breeds and he could be the key to a reformed Vendholm that has harmony between humans and dragons.  But first, he must learn to control his powers before he loses his humanity and the possibility of a reformed Vendholm fades away.

[ Ability(ies)/Power(s) ]
  • Ice Dragon Transformation-  In this transformation, all of his physical attributes increase(in proportion to his new size) and he is covered in icy scales.  Since he roughly doubles in size, his strength would be roughly doubled as well.  He also grows in height and has the usual wings of an Ice Dragon sprout, allowing him to fly.  He can fly horizontally at speeds up to 35 mph, and safely control a dive at speeds up to 75 mph.  Instead of running, Vazen usually makes short fast leaps along the ground.  By propelling himself with his wings as he jumps, Vazen make short leaps at nearly 45 mph.  He also can use cold breath.  Ice forms around his head into a makeshift helm that makes his head look more draconic.
  • Emotional Empowerment-  Vazen posses a rare ability that Ice Dragons can possess.  Vazen can gain different abilities based on what emotion(s) he is strongly feeling.  However, this ability also is a bit of a weakness for him.  Some emotions do not empower Vazen while some even weaken him.  Many emotions empower Vazen in one area but weaken him in another.
    • Anger-  Greatly enhances Vazen's strength and speed.  Vazen's magical abilities decrease as his anger increases, his dragon form is unaffected by the decrease in magical ability but he cannot control his dragon form while enraged.
    • Fear-  Vazen's perception greatly increases, but he is unable to transform.
    • Sadness-  Vazen's ice is thawed.  Vazen can still use ice magic to the same effect, but the ice is thawed into water, ex. A large icicle would instead appear as a water spear.
    • Happiness-  His ice has healing properties.  His ice is easily broken.  Vazen's healing ice has a red hue towards it, and works off of Vazen's compassion and love towards fellow humans(especially the one being healed).  This prevents this from being used on himself or while he is in dragon form.  Vazen channels some of his own vitality into the ice, causing it to cover open wounds and uses the vitality channeled into it to speed up the healing process.  As the vitality in the ice is being used, the red hue fades and the ice begins to crumble off the wound.
  • Ice Magic Potential-  Due to his Ice Dragon blood, Vazen possess the ability to use ice magic, but currently can only utilize it with his sword style.
  • Enhanced Physical Capabilities-  On top of the enhanced physical strength and speed Vazen has from his dragon blood, Vazen also has gone through extensive physical training to put his body at near peak physical form.  This results in Vazen being stronger and faster than most humans his age.  Vazen can lift up to 500 pounds and comfortably carry an extra 150 pounds.  He runs a four an a half minute mile, and can sprint 100 meters in eleven seconds.
  • Sword Skills-  Vazen has trained extensively with his sword and has recieved tutelage from his grandfather to imbue his sword attacks with his inate ice magic.  Vazen currently only has one style that uses his inate ice magic.
    • Iced Wounds Style-  Vazen can focus his ice magic through his sword to create ice trailing the tip of his sword as he swings.  Vazen usually only uses this after he has successfully hit his opponent to conserve his energy, but can use this ability at any time.  In effect, after a successful attack from his sword, the area where it struck is quickly covered by ice.  Although this prevents wounds he creates from bleeding, it also binds his opponent in ice.

[ Items / Belongings ]
His Ice-imbued sword, named Frostbite.

[ Weaknesses / Downside(s) / Allergies / Health Concern(s) ]
  • Losing control of his dragon form causes him to appear more draconic.  This from him being a mix breed that possesses the emotional empowerment trait.  Losing control of his dragon form actually strengthen his dragon blood and makes him more draconic, hence the more draconic appearace.
  • Many of Vazen's emotions can decerase his capabilities or can be a danger to him.  His Emotional Empowerment is currently more of a weakness that a power. The upsides are very situational, while the downside is detrimental nearly all the time.
  • Obsessed with becoming stronger and avenging his grandfather.  Willing to gain power at great cost.
  • Can only use ice based magic.  He can imitate water magic while sad, but that is simply Vazen doing the same ice magic only with thawed ice(water).
[ Guide / Familiar / Pet ]

[ Homeroom Class ]
Basic Magic

[ Dorm Room ]

Optional information

[ Sexual Orientation ]

[ Likes / Dislikes ]

+ Training
+ Cold Weather
+ Fish
+ Compliments
+ Physical Activity
+ Other Dragons

- Wasting Time
- Hot Weater
- Poultry
- Wearing Shoes
- Loud/Overly-Talkative People
- Complainers
- Melodrama

[ Family ]

Birth Family
        Gregor Iceheart(presumed dead)
        Laurana Iceheart(dead)
        Navayne Iceheart(dead)

[ Friends ]
None to speak of currently.

[ Crush ]
Nobody at the moment.

[ Eye color ]
Pale Blue

[ Hair color ]
Dark Blue

[ Other Random or interesting Facts ]
His theme song is Beyond the Permafrost by Skeletonwitch.

art by Swiny1262
Image size
1313x912px 1.68 MB
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